Common Power Issue Terminology

Here is a list of terms associated with power issues.

FaultMomentary loss of power
BlackoutProlonged power outage
SagMomentary low voltage
BrownoutProlonged Low voltage
SpikeMomentary spike in voltage
SurgeExtended spike in voltage
InrushInitial voltage “surge” when a device is plugged in

Here is a visual image.

LibreNMS – Setting up Alerts to monitor Voltage on Mikrotik Routers

Create Alert Rule

Go to “Alerts -> Alert Rules” Then “Create rule from Collection”

Search for “Sensor under limit” and Select

Setup Sensor under limit

Configure Alert Rule

Add another rule to limit to just the Voltage Sensors by using the “sensors.sensor_class = Voltage”

Select your Groups and Transports and Save.

Modify Alert Rule

Disable Alerts for Unused Ports

You may get some alerts because there are some ports that do not have any any voltage on them. You can disable them on a per device basis by going to the “device -> Edit -> Health” and turning alerts off

Turn off voltage alerts on port that has no PoE