How to Install Mikrotik RouterOS on VirtualBox

Note that there are a couple of limitations of using the Cloud Hosted Router (CHR). The main issue is that the default license doesn’t allow for more than 1Mbps on each interface.,CHR-CHRLicensing

Download the VDI version of CHR from the Mikrotik downloads page.

Mikrotik has instructions for installing CHR in VirtualBox, so this post is more of just a summary.

  1. Create a VM with Type Linux, Version Other Linux (64-bit)
  2. While setting up the VM, select the VDI downloaded from Mikrotik as the virtual disk.
  3. Start the VM and login with admin for the username and nothing for the password.

The easiest way to spin up more vm’s to right click on the VM and Clone.

Configure SNMPv3 on Cisco Router

How to configure SNMP v3 on Cisco Switch, Router, ASA, Nexus (

Enter configuration mode

conf t

Everything in bold you should look at changing.

snmp-server view ViewDefault iso include
snmp-server group GroupName v3 priv read ViewDefault
snmp-server location address
snmp-server user MyUsername GroupName v3 auth sha AuthPass1 priv aes 128 PrivPass

Exit and save changes


Now we can verify the snmp details with

show snmp

Decrypting Cambium router config passwords

In the cambium cloud you can retrieve a config from a router, modify it and reapply it or make a template from it. All the passwords are “encrypted” so you can’t read what the WiFi password is for example.

Example config line looks like


Looks like it uses some sort of des3 hex encryption.

Fortunately there is a utility on the routers we can use to decrypt the encrypted string.

First we need a router that we can SSH into.

Info on the encryption

The Cambium router uses the 3des_hex utility to decrypt and encrypt strings

It is located /sbin/3des_hex

Decrypting a password

Decrypting is super easy.

3des_hex -d "c760ba8ffe65c669"

Replace the key with the key you want to decrypt.

Encrypting a password

Not really sure if this would ever be needed, but you can use the -e option to encrypt a string

3des_hex -e "12345678"

More info.

It looks like it needs the lib file “/lib/”

/sbin/3des_hex is where the main file is stored though.

The script in /sbin has the functions that encrypt and decrypt the config lines.


# when security encrypt enable , decrypt.
        local enc_enable=`dev_manage_stat_get has_config_enc`
        if [ "$enc_enable" != "1" ]; then
                return 0
        [ -x "/sbin/3des_hex" ] || return 0
        [ -f $SecParamListFile ] || return 0
        [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
        awk -F '=' 'ARGIND==1{pname[$0]}ARGIND>1&&($1 in pname){print $0}' $SecParamListFile $1 > $1.tmp
        awk '{if($0~/.+\=\[.*\]/){sub("\=","\|");print $0;}else{print $0}}' $1.tmp > $1.tmp1
        rm -f $1.tmp
        awk -F'|' '{if($2~/\[.*\]/){len=length($2);value=substr($2,2,len-2);while(("3des_hex -d \""value"\""|getline line)>0){printf("%s=%s\n",$1,line);}close("3des_hex -d \""value"\"");}else{print $0}}' $1.tmp1 > $1.tmp2
        rm -f $1.tmp1
        echo "" >> $1
        cat $1.tmp2 >> $1
        rm -f $1.tmp2

LibreNMS – Setting up Alerts to monitor Voltage on Mikrotik Routers

Create Alert Rule

Go to “Alerts -> Alert Rules” Then “Create rule from Collection”

Search for “Sensor under limit” and Select

Setup Sensor under limit

Configure Alert Rule

Add another rule to limit to just the Voltage Sensors by using the “sensors.sensor_class = Voltage”

Select your Groups and Transports and Save.

Modify Alert Rule

Disable Alerts for Unused Ports

You may get some alerts because there are some ports that do not have any any voltage on them. You can disable them on a per device basis by going to the “device -> Edit -> Health” and turning alerts off

Turn off voltage alerts on port that has no PoE