How To Check if RHEL/AlmaLinux needs a reboot after an update

Typically you’ll need to reboot a server after an update if the Linux Kernel was updated. It is possible that services need to be restarted.

There is some good information here

Using Yum Utilities needs-restarting

Install the needs-restarting utility

sudo dnf install -y yum-utils

Once installed, we can check if we need to reboot with

sudo needs-restarting -r

The -r option only reports if a reboot is required.

If we wanted to automatically check and reboot, we could do

sudo needs-restarting -r || sudo shutdown -r

Alternative way

We could alternatively just check the kernel version and if it is different, manually reboot the machine. Note that there could be a couple cases where the kernel didn’t update, but you still need a reboot, or services needed to be restarted View links below for more information.

LAST_KERNEL=$(rpm -q --last kernel | perl -pe 's/^kernel-(\S+).*/$1/' | head -1)
CURRENT_KERNEL=$(uname -r)

test $LAST_KERNEL = $CURRENT_KERNEL || shutdown -r