LibreNMS backup script

You should be able to copy and paste the following in a file and then execute from cron. Should work out of the box, but you can change the backup directory and the path if needed/wanted.


# LibreNMS backup script
# Jan 1, 2019

lDate=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`       # local date + hour minute
dDate=`date +%Y%m%d`            # todays date

# If you have the script, you can trigger a backup notification
ALERT="/home/admin/ -b"

# Directory to backup to

# MySQL settings for tar and sqldump

# Directory that contains data

# tar LibreNMS dir
# tar SQL dir "the whole thing with the innode files
# sql dump of the db for extra redundancy

if [ -d ${bDir} ]; then
echo "backup dir exist, starting to backup"
        echo "backup dir not available.  Quiting"
        exit 1

${ALERT} "Starting backup for ${bName} - `date`"

systemctl stop mariadb httpd
# LibreNMS data backup
tar -zcvf ${bDir}/${lDate}-${bName}.tgz ${dDir}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "Tar succesfully backed up ${bDir}"
        echo "Tar failed while trying to backup ${dDir}"
        echo " ${lDate} - Tar failed while trying to backup ${dDir}" >> ${LOG}
        ${ALERT} "${lDate} - Tar failed while trying to backup ${dDir}"

# MySQL data backup
tar -zcvf ${bDir}/${lDate}-${bName}-mysql.tgz ${sqlDir}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "Tar succesfully backed up ${sqlDir}"
        echo "Tar failed while trying to backup ${sqlDir}"
        echo " ${lDate} - Tar failed while trying to backup ${sqlDir}" >> ${LOG}
        ${ALERT} "${lDate} - Tar failed while trying to backup ${sqlDir}"

systemctl start mariadb httpd
sleep 5

 # SQL dump
mysqldump -u ${sqlUN} -p'4rfvBHU8!' ${sqlDB} > ${bDir}/${lDate}-${bName}.sql
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "MySQL DB dumped"
        echo "Ran into error while doing sql dump"
        echo "${lDate} - Ran into error while doing sql dump" >> ${LOG}
        ${ALERT} "${lDate} - Ran into error while doing sql dump"

echo "Removing old backups"
if ( ls ${bDir} | grep -q ${dDate} );then
        find ${bDir}/* -prune -mtime +31 -exec rm {} \;
        echo "Looks like there are no backup files!  Aborting!!!"
        ${ALERT} "${lDate} - Error: find failed to find any backup files in backup dir.  Aborting!!!"

${ALERT} "Finished backup for ${bName} - `date`"

Extract Android backup

Install Android Backup Toolkit

cd android-backup-tookit/android-backup-extractor/android-backup-extractor-20180521-bin

Unpack backup. Changes it from an ab to a tar file

java -jar abe.jar unpack ~/path/to/backup.ab ~/path/to/backup.tar

After thats complete, you can untar it. Change Desktop to the path you want to extract to.

tar -xvf ~/path/to/backup.tar -C ~/Desktop/

Extract encrypted Signal backup
More information at the above link

Installation of precompiled binary for Signal-Back

chmod +x signal-back_linux_amd64

Help info

Usage: signal-back_linux_amd64 COMMAND [OPTION…] BACKUPFILE
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version
   format   Read and format the backup file
   analyse  Information about the backup file
   extract  Retrieve attachments from the backup
   check    Verify that a backup is readable
   help     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Extract attachments from backup

Replace ~/Desktop/signal…backup with the path to your Signal backup.

./signal-back_linux_amd64 extract ~/Desktop/signal-2019-09-30-01-43-21.backup

It’ll ask for the password and then start pulling out the attachments and putting them in the current directory.

Export messages to CSV file

Default option is XML. CSV will let you open it up in Excel.

./signal-back_linux_amd64 format -f CSV --output signal-output.csv ~/Desktop/signal-2019-09-30-01-43-21.backup

Specify password to use

You can use the -p option to specify the password. It does not matter if there are spaces every 5 numbers or not. Also the -P option is suppose to let you use a file.

./signal-back_linux_amd64 extract -p "48294 55709 09123 94563 74662 12800" ~/Desktop/signal-2019-09-30-01-43-21.backup

Other help options

bob@localhost:~/Downloads/signal-back$ ./signal-back_linux_amd64 help
 Usage: signal-back_linux_amd64 COMMAND [OPTION…] BACKUPFILE
 --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version
   format   Read and format the backup file
   analyse  Information about the backup file
   extract  Retrieve attachments from the backup
   check    Verify that a backup is readable
   help     Shows a list of commands or help for one command
bob@localhost:~/Downloads/signal-back$ ./signal-back_linux_amd64 help format
 Usage: signal-back_linux_amd64 format [OPTION…] BACKUPFILE
 Parse and transform the backup file into other formats.
 Valid formats include: CSV, XML, RAW.
 --format FORMAT, -f FORMAT  output the backup as FORMAT (default: "xml")
   --message TYPE, -m TYPE     format TYPE messages (default: "sms")
   --output FILE, -o FILE      write decrypted format to FILE
   --password PASS, -p PASS    use PASS as password for backup file
   --pwdfile FILE, -P FILE     read password from FILE
   --verbose, -v               enable verbose logging output
bob@localhost:~/Downloads/signal-back$ ./signal-back_linux_amd64 help extract
 Usage: signal-back_linux_amd64 extract [OPTION…] BACKUPFILE
 Decrypt files embedded in the backup.
 --outdir DIRECTORY, -o DIRECTORY  output attachments to DIRECTORY
   --password PASS, -p PASS          use PASS as password for backup file
   --pwdfile FILE, -P FILE           read password from FILE
   --verbose, -v                     enable verbose logging output

Install Oxidized on LibreNMS

Install Oxidized

Install Instructions from here

Install prerequisites

For CentOS, RockyLinux, and Alma Linux.

sudo yum -y install make cmake which sqlite-devel openssl-devel libssh2-devel ruby gcc ruby-devel libicu-devel gcc-c++

Install Ruby Gems

If you run into issues with installing the oxidized-web gem because of a ruby version, try installing ruby 2.6.1 via rvm the docs say install 2.1.2, but was having issues with it. 2.6.1 seems fine.

Install Oxidized

Note: If you run into issues with oxidized not being able to ssh into devices, and showing “OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError with msg “dh#set_pqg= is incompatible with OpenSSL 3.0″” in the log, try installing from git.

gem install oxidized 
gem install oxidized-script
gem install oxidized-web 

Run Oxidized twice to generate the config


If you have issues running oxidized due to an invalid or self signed ssl cert, you can either fix the cert or ignore it in the oxidized config.

Modify the Oxidized config file in “/root/.config/oxidized/config” to look like this.

Modify the http portion of the config file to look like the following.

url: https://localhost/api/v0/oxidized
scheme: https
secure: false

Setup Config

Put the config file in the users home directory.

vi .config/oxidized/config

Setup the config, Basic config below, edit as needed

username: admin
password: password
model: airos
resolve_dns: true
interval: 3600
use_syslog: false
debug: false
threads: 30
timeout: 20
retries: 3
prompt: !ruby/regexp /^([\w.@-]+[#>]\s?)$/
next_adds_job: false
vars: {}
username: ubnt
password: ubnt
username: admin
ssh_port: 2222
models: {}
pid: /home/incredigeek/.config/oxidized/pid
directory: /home/incredigeek/.config/oxidized/crashes
hostnames: false
history_size: 10
default: ssh, telnet
debug: false
secure: false
passive: true
utf8_encoded: true
default: file
directory: /home/incredigeek/.config/oxidized/configs
default: http
debug: false
secure: false
scheme: https
url: https://localhost/api/v0/oxidized
name: hostname
model: os
group: group
X-Auth-Token: '3wq2b87fj4e6fb5987b5812t6ej9709g'
cisco: ios
juniper: junos
mikrotik: routeros

Setup as system service

Find the “oxidized.service” file, should be in




and copy it to


Edit it and change the user and try to launch it

systemctl start oxidized

If it fails, you may need to substitute the ExecStart= variable to the following more info


Change the ruby number if yours is different.

Enable the service on system boot up and start

systemctl enable --now oxidized

Check that oxidized is running

systemctl status oxidized

LibreNMS config

Add the following to your /opt/librenms/config.php config file.

# Oxidized configuration
 $config['oxidized']['enabled']                  = TRUE;
 $config['oxidized']['url']                      = '';
 $config['oxidized']['features']['versioning']   = true;
 $config['oxidized']['group_support']            = true;
 $config['oxidized']['default_group']            = 'default';
 $config['oxidized']['reload_nodes']             = true;
 $config['oxidized']['ignore_os'] = array('linux','windows');
 $config['oxidized']['ignore_types'] = array('server','power');

LibreNMS should now feed Oxidized the devices.

You can check in the LibreNMS interface to see if it is getting the configs. https://librenms/oxidized

Where librenms is your LibreNMS servers ip/hostname.

Backup Android with adb on Windows

Install SDK

Install Android Studio. This will install the SDK and tools like adb and fastboot

Download from here

To run adb, you’ll need to be in the same directory as it, so open a Command Prompt and cd to the following directory.

cd %APPDATA%..\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools

Full directory path is


Backup Android

On your Android device you will need to enable USB debugging from the developer options. Enable the developer options if you have not already.

When you plug your phone in it should ask you to Allow USB debugging. Hit OK to enable it.

Now run the backup command from your computer. Replace UserName with your computers User Name

adb backup -apk -obb -shared -all -f \Users\UserName\Desktop\android-backup.ab

On your phone you should get a window that shows Full Backup

Add optional password for backup and hit “Back up my data on phone”

Now Wait for it to finish…

Restore Backup

adb restore C:\Users\UserName\android-backup.ab

Should get a restore window on your phone, hit restore and wait.


error: device unauthorized.
This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.

USB Debugging is not allowed for computer. Try replugging the USB cable and accepting the USB Debugging.

Mikrotik Backup Script

This is a Linux script for creating and backing up backups on Mikroitk routers.


  • Creates the backups automatically, no need to manually create a backup on the Mikrotik
  • Uses SSH and SCP for encrypted communication between the router and the server
  • Runs on linux
  • Easy to use command line interface
  • Can back up single or multiple routers

Future Features

These are features I am planning on adding to the script in the future

  • Ability to compare backups and remove duplicates
  • Make the script smarter so it can detect a backup on a router and leave it instead of deleting it
  • Add better logging
  • Add the functionality to upload the backups to an online service like DropBox, or OneDrive automatically
  • Add alert mechanism to alert you if a backup failed or router is unreachable

Current Bugs or limitations

  • Deletes all backups off of the router, so if you manually created a backup it will delete it without asking
  • To stop backing up a router, you’ll need to manually delete the IP address out of the IP database i.e(ip.lst file.)
  • It does not currently have the ability to delete backups



  1. Linux box to run the script from and to store the backups.  You can run it from a laptop or VirtualBox.
  2. You’ll need the following programs for this script to work(fping, sshpass)
  3. The Linux box need to be able to ping the routers, if it can’t the script will fail


Download program

chmod +x

Now open up the script and edit the variables at the top for your username, password, and where you want the backups.


When you have finished editing the variables, hit CTRL+x, and then “y” and then “enter” to save the file.

If you want to setup the script to backup on a regular basis then setup the script to run in cron.

Run “crontab -e” and add the following line

10 1 * * 1 cd /root/mtbackup-1.0/ & sh mtbackup -b

Hit CTRL+x, and then “y” and then “enter” to save the file.

Adding routers to backup

Adding routers is really easy.  All you have to do is run the script with the -a option and then the ip address and the script will check if it can reach the IP and then add it to the IP Database i.e.(ip.lst file that contains all the routers ip addresses)
./ -a


[root@localhost mtbackup-1.0]# ./ -a

This is a Mikrotik Backup Utility.  Still being updated and worked on!!!


Adding to the ip DB
Added to ipDB
[root@localhost mtbackup-1.0]#

Backing up all routers

You can manually backup all the routers by running the script with just the “-b” option.  It’ll read every IP in the IP database and create a backup for each one and put it in the backup folder with is normally “./backups”, you can change it in the variables portion of the script.

./ -b

Other examples

List routers in the IP Database

 [root@localhost mtbackup-1.0]# ./ -L
This is a Mikrotik Backup Utility. Still being updated and worked on!!!
Listing Hosts...
[root@localhost mtbackup-1.0]#

Backup Single router

[root@localhost mtbackup-1.0]# ./ -B

This is the Mikrotik Backup Utility. Currently under construction!!!


Starting to do backup on

Configuration backup saved
[root@localhost mtbackup-1.0]#

Other commands

[root@localhost mtbackup-1.0]# ./ -h

This is the Mikrotik Backup Utility.  Still being updated and worked on!!!


./ -b

-l      List backups
-L      List Hosts
-b      Backup all hosts in the IP database
-B {ip} Backup Single Host, Specife IP
-a {ip} Add ip to IP database
-v      Version

[root@localhost mtbackup-1.0]#

How to export/import a XenServer VM from the Command Line

We can list the VM’s by running

xe vm-list

You can export a VM using either the name of the VM or by using the uuid.  The above command list both so you can use which ever one you want.

You will also need to shutdown the VM your going to export.

xe vm-shutdown vm=ubuntu

Export by Name
The name of the VM is”ubuntu”.

xe vm-export vm=ubuntu filename=/backup/ubuntu.xva

Export using uuid

xe vm-export uuid=b24dcd65-5e12-4576-2f39-46ecab9362ab filename=/backup/ubuntu.xva

Importing VM

xe vm-import vm=centos5 filename=/backup/ubuntu.xva