How to Verify Signal APK

These steps are for Windows, but they should be very similar on macOS or Linux.


  1. Android Studio installed
  2. Install the latest SDK

Locate apksigner

Apksigner is part of the Android build tools should be in the SDK directory.


Lets open up a terminal and navigate to the build-tools. Replace 30.0.0 with the actual SDK version you have installed.

cd .\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\30.0.0

Alternatively use the full path (Replace username and 30.0.0 with actual username and SDK number)

cd C:\User\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\30.0.0\

Verify Signal APK

We can now verify the Signal APK with the following. Replace username with your username.

.\apksigner.bat verify --print-certs C:\User\username\Downloads\Signal-Android-website-prod-universal-release-6.0.6.apk

Scroll up to the top part and look for the part that says

Signer #1 certificate SHA-256 digest:

Check the signature against the signature on Signal’s website/

You may see a bunch of

WARNING: META-INF/xxx.version not protected by signature...

Sounds like this can be expected and is a common thing. The certificate is stored in META-INF which means that other files stored in META-INF are not protected. Most of the files in that directory are only version numbers of libraries the app depends on. There shouldn’t be anything important so shouldn’t be a security concern.

Linux, Send USR1 signal to pid

In Linux you can send signals to a process id to trigger actions for the program. Useful scenario for this is to renew an IP address on a device that uses udhcpc. You should be able to change udhcpc for other programs, you’ll just need to read the help for that specific program.

In the udhcpc help it says

         USR1    Renew lease
         USR2    Release lease

But how do we send those signals to udhcpc? Answer, use the kill command.

kill: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec … or kill -l [sigspec]
     Send a signal to a job.

Send the processes identified by PID or JOBSPEC the signal named by SIGSPEC or SIGNUM.  If neither SIGSPEC nor SIGNUM is present, then SIGTERM is assumed. 

-s sig    SIG is a signal name   
-n sig    SIG is a signal number   
-l        list the signal names; if arguments follow `-l' they are             
          assumed to be signal numbers for which names should be listed   
-L        synonym for -l 

Kill is a shell builtin for two reasons: it allows job IDs to be used instead of process IDs, and allows processes to be killed if the limit on processes that you can create is reached.
Exit Status:
Returns success unless an invalid option is given or an error occurs. 

We see from above that we can pass a signal name in using the -s option.

So to send USR1 signal to udhcp we do the following

kill -s USR1 pid_of_udhcpc

Replace pid_of_udhcpc with the actual pid or use the following command to find the pid

kill -s USR1 $(pgrep udhcpc)

“pgrep udhcpc” prints the pid of the searched for process.

Helpful links

Extract encrypted Signal backup
More information at the above link

Installation of precompiled binary for Signal-Back

chmod +x signal-back_linux_amd64

Help info

Usage: signal-back_linux_amd64 COMMAND [OPTION…] BACKUPFILE
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version
   format   Read and format the backup file
   analyse  Information about the backup file
   extract  Retrieve attachments from the backup
   check    Verify that a backup is readable
   help     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Extract attachments from backup

Replace ~/Desktop/signal…backup with the path to your Signal backup.

./signal-back_linux_amd64 extract ~/Desktop/signal-2019-09-30-01-43-21.backup

It’ll ask for the password and then start pulling out the attachments and putting them in the current directory.

Export messages to CSV file

Default option is XML. CSV will let you open it up in Excel.

./signal-back_linux_amd64 format -f CSV --output signal-output.csv ~/Desktop/signal-2019-09-30-01-43-21.backup

Specify password to use

You can use the -p option to specify the password. It does not matter if there are spaces every 5 numbers or not. Also the -P option is suppose to let you use a file.

./signal-back_linux_amd64 extract -p "48294 55709 09123 94563 74662 12800" ~/Desktop/signal-2019-09-30-01-43-21.backup

Other help options

bob@localhost:~/Downloads/signal-back$ ./signal-back_linux_amd64 help
 Usage: signal-back_linux_amd64 COMMAND [OPTION…] BACKUPFILE
 --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version
   format   Read and format the backup file
   analyse  Information about the backup file
   extract  Retrieve attachments from the backup
   check    Verify that a backup is readable
   help     Shows a list of commands or help for one command
bob@localhost:~/Downloads/signal-back$ ./signal-back_linux_amd64 help format
 Usage: signal-back_linux_amd64 format [OPTION…] BACKUPFILE
 Parse and transform the backup file into other formats.
 Valid formats include: CSV, XML, RAW.
 --format FORMAT, -f FORMAT  output the backup as FORMAT (default: "xml")
   --message TYPE, -m TYPE     format TYPE messages (default: "sms")
   --output FILE, -o FILE      write decrypted format to FILE
   --password PASS, -p PASS    use PASS as password for backup file
   --pwdfile FILE, -P FILE     read password from FILE
   --verbose, -v               enable verbose logging output
bob@localhost:~/Downloads/signal-back$ ./signal-back_linux_amd64 help extract
 Usage: signal-back_linux_amd64 extract [OPTION…] BACKUPFILE
 Decrypt files embedded in the backup.
 --outdir DIRECTORY, -o DIRECTORY  output attachments to DIRECTORY
   --password PASS, -p PASS          use PASS as password for backup file
   --pwdfile FILE, -P FILE           read password from FILE
   --verbose, -v                     enable verbose logging output