Install GrapheneOS on Pixel 3

Installing GrapheneOS is pretty well documented on the website.

The following are mainly some of my notes. More detailed instructions are available at the above link.

OEM Unlock

Enable developer options

To enable the developer options on Android go to Settings -> About phone -> Tap on Build number until it says your a Developer.

Allow OEM unlocking

Settings -> System -> Advanced (Dropdown) -> Developer options

Allow OEM unlocking

Enable OEM unlcoking

Unlock Bootloader

Boot into the bootloader By

  • Powering down the phone
  • Start up while holding the volume down and power button

Run the following command from a computer with fastboot

sudo fastboot flashing unlock

The screen should change, hit the arrow keys to select Unlock the bootloader and confirm with the power button

Download and Verify Images

Download the proper factory image and files from

The name should say something and
The .sig file is used to verify the image in the below section.

Verify the Keys

The commands to do this are from a Linux computer. There may be alternatives for Windows. You can technically skip this section.

Install signify

sudo apt install signify-openbsd -y

Download the public key from

Run and check that the key and the image match.
The following command assumes you are in the same directory as the image and file.

sudo signify-openbsd -Cqp -x && echo verified

Install Factory (GrapheneOS) Image

Unzip the factory image and change directories into it

unzip && cd blueline-qq2a.200305.002/

Run the flash script to flash the image to your Pixel.

sudo ./

Wait for it to flash, may take a long time.

NOTE: I ran into issues with the script as my version of fastboot was old. SEE PROBLEMS HEADING BELOW

Relock bootloader

Boot back up into the recovery menu and lock the boot loader with

fastboot flashing lock


  • I ran into issues running the script. My version of fastboot was old. Ended up downloading a newer version and calling all the commands in the script manually.
  • Phone seemed to randomly time out or just hang when trying to run something over fastboot. Unplugging and plugging the phone back in and rerunning the command seemed to resolve the problem.

Installing LineageOS on Raspberry Pi B+

Download LineageOS

Download the unofficial LineageOS 16 build from the following page


Unzip the file with

unzip ~/Downloads/

Write to SD Card

Either use the instructions on the following link to write it to the SD card

Or use DD

WARNING! Make sure “/dev/mmcblk0” is the correct SD Card. Refer to here if you need to locate the path for the SD Card.

sudo dd if=~/Downloads/lineage-16.0-20200207-UNOFFICIAL-KonstaKANG-rpi3.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M status=progress

Plug you SD Card into your Pi and boot it up.

Installing LineageOS 17 Android 10 on Pixel

Download twrp from here
Download LineageOS 17 from here

Boot phone to boot menu then fastboot twrp

sudo fastboot boot Downloads/twrp-3.3.0-0-sailfish.img

Wipe to factory defaults

Side load LineageOS Android 10 from the Advanced page on TWRP

adb sideload Downloads/ 

Reboot and setup.

Extract Android backup

Install Android Backup Toolkit

cd android-backup-tookit/android-backup-extractor/android-backup-extractor-20180521-bin

Unpack backup. Changes it from an ab to a tar file

java -jar abe.jar unpack ~/path/to/backup.ab ~/path/to/backup.tar

After thats complete, you can untar it. Change Desktop to the path you want to extract to.

tar -xvf ~/path/to/backup.tar -C ~/Desktop/

LineageOS Updater crashing when trying to install update

The LineageOS Updater downloads updates fine, but crashes as soon as you hit Install.

Looks like there may be a bug that has something to do with an update that it already downloaded and installed, but waiting on the device to reboot.

Reboot the device to resolve the issue.

Other things to try would include deleting and redownloading the update and/or trying a different update.

Unlock bootloader on Google Pixel (Sailfish)

Enable developer options By going to

Settings > System > About Phone > Developer options (Tap 7 times)

Enable OEM unlock in Developer settings

Reboot into recovery

If your one Verizon you may need to go through a couple extra steps to get the oem unlock to show up in the developer settings. More info here

Boot into twrp

fastboot img twrp.iso

Select the option in TWRP to sideload and sideload the Lineage iso

adb sideload lineage

Reboot install GAPPS

adb sideload