Find UniFi Network Cloud Inform URL

What is the format for the UniFi Network Cloud inform URL?

The format for the UniFi inform URL should be similar to the following

Now Where is the UniFi Cloud Inform Link?

The inform URL is supposed to be on the cloud console page. However, it appears that it doesn’t show the link if you are not Owner.

Web Development Tools to the rescue!

On the UniFi console page, click on “About this Console”

Open up the Web Tools, Click on the Network tab, make sure that you have the Domain column enabled.

Refresh the page.

Look for the Domain that matches the UniFi Cloud URL format.


You can confirm this is the correct URL by browsing to it directly. It should redirect to your cloud instance.

Extra tip: If you are migrating from a UniFi Console (CloudKey, UDM, DreamMachine) to UniFi Cloud, you can restore a backup of your CloudKey (Or other console) and then use the Host Inform Override option (from CloudKey) to tell all the devices on the network to connect to the cloud instance. May need to reboot or force provision.

Reset NextCloud admin password – Snap package

The regular command to reset the password for a NextCloud user does not work when NextCloud is installed from a snap package.

$ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin
Could not open input file: /var/www/nextcloud/occ

The reason is that NextCloud is located in “/snap/nextcloud”

Unfortunately the occ file is not located in /snap/nextcloud/current/

However, you can run the nextcloud.occ command directly without specifying the path. Change admin to your user.

sudo nextcloud.occ user:resetpassword admin

Type in the new password twice and login.