Voxer Bot Attempts

The following are various notes and findings on trying to create a “Bot” for Voxer. Voxer doesn’t really have any options for web hooks, and the SDK is still in beta. We’ll be exploring sending messages to a channel, how to use Curl or Fetch to send messages. Unfortunately, signing in does not appear to be easy to automate.

Looking at Voxer

Voxer is primarily used via the modile apps, but there is also a web version at web.voxer.com

Using Firefox, we can play with the Web Tools to get a better idea of what is going on.

All the Javascript is easily readable. api.js is of interest. This can helps us understand how messages are sent.

The Web interface seems to be somewhat buggy, could be it just doesn’t like going through burp, but had better luck monitoring the channel for new messages from a phone.

Proxying the traffic through Burp is tricky. The log in does not appear to work while the proxy is active, but you can log in, and then activate the proxy to capture and replay sending messages.

If you get “Voxer is open in another tab. Please click ‘OK’ then close this tab.” clear all voxer cookies and log in again. Seems to happen quite often.

Interestingly, if you send a message, then send that message POST request to Repeater, change the text and resubmit it, it “Updates” the text of the message. So if you know the message_id, or maybe the create_time, you can change the text in messages.

About Sending Messages

When you send a message, there are 2 POST requests sent. The first one sends the message and the second one consumes the message. It looks like you really only need the first post message request to actually send messages. Think the consume message post is for the browser to trigger a refresh on the messages in the message list.

There are two variables that change message to message

message_id and create_time

Looking into the api.js file we see that create_time is done with the following code

now = new Date().getTime() / 1000,

And here is the code used to generate the message_id. First part is the time, the next part is random.

window.generate_message_id = function (type) {
        var message_id = new Date().getTime() + "_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10000000000) + 1000);

        if (type && type === "image") {
            message_id += "_v1.jpg";

        return message_id;

Structure of the POST request

The following entries are slightly abbreviated


There are a bunch of tracking cookies, the session cookie is the one we are interested in. The Rv_session_key is what will allow us to actually send messages. As a side note, it appears that every time we send a message, there is analytics that is also sent, saying who the message was sent to, and when.



{"message_id":"1681191108600_7318671093","create_time":1681191108,"model":"User_Agent","content_type":"text","from":"MyVoxerUser_ID","subject":"Walkie","body":"This is the text of the message","thread_id":"This.is.the.thread_id"}

Using JavaScript / fetch

After some trial an error, the following solution finally worked. You can copy the following code, and run with “node file.js”

// Change variables as needed
let body = "Hello World!"
// let body = process.argv.slice(2) // You can use this if you want to pass in the message as an argumant. i.e. node voxer.js "Voxer Message"
const threadID = 'ThreadID'
const fromID = 'UserID'
let cookie = `session={"gcp1-prod":{"user_id":"${fromID}","Rv_session_key":"RVSESSIONID"}}`
let time = new Date().getTime() / 1000
let messageID = new Date().getTime() + '_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000 + 1000)

// Send message.
function sendMessage () {
  fetch(`https://gcp1-prod-nr60.voxer.com/2/cs/post_message?now=${time}`, {
    credentials: 'include',
    credentials: 'same-origin',
    headers: {
      'User-Agent': 'UserAgent',
      Accept: '*/*',
      'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
      'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
      'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
      'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
      'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-site',
      'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"',
      'sec-ch-ua': '"Opera";v="97", "Chromium";v="97", "Not=A?Brand";v="24"',
      'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
      Cookie: cookie
    referrer: 'https://web.voxer.com/',
    body: `{\"message_id\":\"${messageID}\",\"create_time\":${time},\"model\":\"\",\"content_type\":\"text\",\"from\":\"${fromID}\",\"subject\":\"CHANGING\",\"body\":\"${body}\\n\",\"thread_id\":\"${threadID}\"}\r\n`,
    method: 'POST',
    mode: 'cors'


You can find the thread_id, user_id, session cookie by toggling the developer console, logging into Voxer, and send a message.

Setting up RRDReST on CentOS 8 or AlmaLinux 9

There are some differences on setting up RRDReST on CentOS 8, Almalinux 9 vs CentOS 7

If you are setting this up to use with LibreNMS and Grafana, check out the rest of the this article. https://www.incredigeek.com/home/setting-up-grafana-on-librenms/

Installing RRDReST

All the docker commands have been swapped out for podman.

  1. Install Docker
  2. Create a compose file
  3. Run compose file to create container

Install docker

Podman is default on CentOS 8 and later and is, for the most part, a drop in replacement for Docker.

sudo yum install -y podman podman-compose
sudo systemctl enable podman

Create a Podman / Docker network to use. We’ll use this to assign a static IP address to the container. We’ll call the network rrdnet, and we’ll use the range.

sudo podman network create --subnet= rrdnet

Create podman-compose file

Create a docker compose file

vi podman-compose.yml

Add the following

version: "3.5"
    image: michaelwadman/rrdrest:latest
    container_name: rrdrest
    restart: always
      - "/opt/librenms/rrd:/opt/librenms/rrd:Z"
      - TZ=America/Denver
          driver: default
            - subnet:
    external: true

Change the TZ to your time zone. If you have issues with the graphs, most likely something is off with the time zone between this container and Grafana/LibreNMS server

Note that the :Z is needed for SELinux to allow RRDReST to access the sub folders. AKA. the rrd files.

The container should have a IP address. You can take all the networking sections out, and the container will receive DHCP. The problem is that the IP can change, breaking our graphs in Grafana.

Run RRDReST Container

Save the file. Then start and setup the container with

sudo podman-compose up -d

You will need your docker container IP address to setup the connection in Grafana. If you used the above docker-compose config, then it should be

sudo docker exec -it rrdrest ip addr | grep eth0

Configure RRDRest to start on system boot with systemd

The “restart: always” option does not appear to work on systems with podman. We can create a systemd service instead.

Use the following command to automatically create a systemd file.

sudo podman generate systemd rrdrest

Copy the contents to a new file in /etc/systemd/system/


If you end up deleting the rrdrest container, you’ll need to update the systemd file again. You may need also need to run “systemctl daemon-reload”

Enable the new service with

systemctl enable rrdrest

Congratulations. RRDReST is now setup and running.

You can verify it’s running by checking with Podman / Docker.

sudo podman ps

You can also ping it


Setting up Grafana on LibreNMS

Thanks to the guys who put together the information at the following links.


I ran into some issues trying to get this to work. So here are some of my notes. I already had a LibreNMS installation set up.

  1. Install RRDReST
    1. Install Docker
    2. Configure Docker compose file
  2. Configure LibreNMS API User and Key
  3. Set up and Configure Grafana
    1. Install Grafana
    2. Install JSON Data Source Plugin
    3. Add LibreNMS API Data Source
    4. Add RRDReST Data Source
    5. Import Dashboard into Grafana
  4. View graphs

Installing RRDReST

The steps for installing RRDReST are slightly different. Check out the following post.

I had issues installing RRDReST. I am guessing it had to do with it accessing files. I was able to install it in a docker container.

  1. Install Docker
  2. Create a compose file
  3. Install container

Install docker

sudo yum install -y docker docker-compose
sudo systemctl enable docker

Create docker compose file with the following options

vi docker-compose.yml

Change the TZ to your time zone. If you have issues with the graphs, most likely something is off with the time zone between this container and Grafana/LibreNMS server

version: "3.5"


    image: michaelwadman/rrdrest:latest
    container_name: rrdrest
    restart: always
      - "/opt/librenms:/opt/librenms"
      - TZ=America/Denver

Save the file and start and setup the container with

sudo docker-compose up -d

You will need your docker container IP address to setup the connection in Grafana

sudo docker exec -it rrdrest ip addr | grep eth0

Congratulations. You should now have a RRDReST docker container that will auto start on system boot and has the correct time zone.

Configure LibreNMS API User and Key

  1. Create a Grafana user in LibreNMS. (Settings Gear -> Manage Users -> Add Users)
    You could technically skip this step and use an existing user.
  2. Create API token for the newly created user (Setting Gear -> API -> API Settings)
Create a Grafana user in LibreNMS
Setup API Key for Grafana in LibreNMS

Set up and Configure Grafana

Basic steps are as follows

  1. Install Grafana
  2. Install JSON Data Source Plugin
  3. Configure Data Sources
    1. LibreNMS API
    2. RRDRest API
  4. Import Dashboard into Grafana

Install Grafana

There is not anything special with installing Grafana on the same server as LibreNMS. You can follow the official guide to install it


After Grafana is installed, install the JSON API data source. You can do this using the grafana-cli

grafana-cli plugins install marcusolsson-json-datasource

A note on SSL/TLS certificates. If you have an SSL certificate for LibreNMS, you can use it for grafana. If you run into issues, try copying the cert (fullchain.pem, privkey.pem) to /etc/grafana/

You’ll most likely need to change owner

sudo chown root:grafana /etc/grafana/*.pem

And maybe the file permissions.

sudo chmod 640 /etc/grafana/*.pem

Install JSON Data Source Plugin

This is fairly straight forward.

grafana-cli plugins install marcusolsson-json-datasource

Add LibreNMS API Data Source

In Grafana, go to Configuration -> Data Sources -> Add data source

  • Set Name for Data Source
  • URL should be https://your_librenms_url/api/v0
  • Add Custom HTTP Header
    • Header field should be “X-Auth-Token”
    • Value field should contain the API token we created in LibreNMS
  • Save and Test
    If you receive any errors, refer to the Troubleshooting part at the end.
Adding LibreNMS API Data Source in Grafana

Add RRDReST Data Source

In Grafana, go to Configuration -> Data Sources -> Add data source

  • Set Name for Data Source
  • URL needs to be your docker container IP address (Steps above)
  • Save and Test (Should return “Unprocessable Entity”)
Adding RRDReST API Data Source in Grafana

Import Dashboard into Grafana

Now we need a dashboard to present our data.

  • Go to Create -> Import
  • Upload JSON file (Download from here or PasteBin )
  • Under RRDReST API , select our RRDReST Data Source
  • Under LibreNMS API , select our LibreNMS Data Source
  • Click Import

You should now be able to view your dashboard and use the drop down menus to select devices

Grafana viewing bandwidth on device being monitored by LibreNMS


There were a couple of issues I ran into while trying to get everything working together.

RRDReST shows 404 Not Found

Issue: When trying to run RRDReST with uvicorn, I was never able to access the rrd files, even the test rrd files that are included when installing RRDReST. I am guessing it is either a permisions issue, or something unable to access the files.
Work around: Install RRDReST via Docker container.

Error Running uvicorn RRDReST

Error Adding LibreNMS API

Issue: Get a “JSON API: Bad Request” when trying to set up the LibreNMS API Data Source in Grafana.

Work around: Install a valid SSL Certificate and set up a DNS record so you can access LibreNMS at librenms.yourdomain.com.

More info: I would assume that “Skip TLS Verify” would work with or without a valid certificate, but it would not work for me. There are potentially some other options with modifying how Nginx or Apache is set up that would get this working. If you setup Grafana to use a SSL certificate, you may need to copy the certificate files (fullchain.pem, privkey.pem) to /etc/grafana/ and run “chown root:grafana *.pem” to let grafana have access to the files.

Grafana LibreNMS API JSON API: Bad Request