Preseem – Monitor VLAN Passing Through Server

You can specify for Preseem to monitor a vlan by opening up the config file in

vi /etc/preseem/config.yaml

The parts in bold are what get added.

     addressSpace: default
       inspectDefault: false
           addressSpace: default
           inspect: true
           addressSpace: default
           inspect: true

In the above vlan 2 and 10 get added and should now be inspected.

Save the file and restart the services

systemctl restart preseem-netdev-manager.service 
systemctl restart preseem-node-manager.service 
systemctl restart preseem-health-manager.service 
systemctl restart preseem-telegraf.service 
systemctl restart preseem-system-stats-manager.service 

You’ll need to wait for it to update in the Preseem interface. May take a day for it to update and start reporting.

Move multiple VLANs between two interfaces – Mikrotik

Move VLANs with foreach

Move all the VLANs under ether7 to ether6. Instead of an “=” sign, you can use a “~” to do a partial match.

foreach i in=[/interface vlan find where interface="ether7"] do={interface vlan set interface=ether6-master-local  $i } 

Move IP address to new port programmatically

Move ip address from ether6 to ether7. Change to the address and the find command will find it regardless of the port and assign it to ether6 or whichever port is specified.

ip address set interface=ether6-master-local [find address=""]

Using Delay

You can add a delay before a command runs by specifying delay and then the time to wait.

delay 60 

Use the ; to separate commands. Example below, wait 5 seconds then print the ip addresses.

delay 5 ; ip address print

Putting it all together

The following command/s will wait 60 seconds then move all the VLANs on ether7 to ether6 and then move the address to ether6.

delay 60 ; foreach i in=[/interface vlan find where interface="ether7"] do={interface vlan set interface=ether6-master-local  $i } ; ip address set interface=ether6-master-local [find address=""]

Mikrotik – bridge port received packet with own address as source address (), probably loop

Sometime the following warning can show up in the log.

10:48:45 interface,warning ether2: bridge port received packet with own address as source address (74:4d:28:69:89:9d), probably loop

Check and verify that your interface MAC addresses are unique. VLANs look to be the exception as they should share the MAC address of the interface the VLAN is on.

More information in this thread.

Mikrotik RouterOS – VLAN notes

VLAN successfully passes through regular Ethernet bridges

DHCP offering lease without success issue with Mikrotik on the far side of Ubiquiti device.

DHCP error offering lease

Make sure that radio does not have the VLAN configured on just the WAN interface. Easiest way would be to put it in bridge mode and use the management VLAN.