PlayMaker reverting to local variables instead of using global variable

In PlayMaker you can experience issues with variables if you have a Global variable (Green in picture) and a Local variable (Red in picture) that have the same name. PlayMaker will let you select the Global variable however, you’ll get erratic behavior and it seems to revert to the local variable. Work around? Rename one of the variables.

Unity not loading scene levels

Problem: Game would finish level, but would not load next one.

The issue was that all the levels were not included in the build scene, (File -> Build Settings -> Scenes In Build) so even though the level was correct in PlayMaker, it would not load the level in the Game window while testing.

To add scene to build, open the scene up in the editor, then open the Build Settings from File -> Build Settings… or Ctrl+Shift+B and Add Open Scenes

PlayMaker camera fade in/out blinks after fade is complete – Unity

Looks that the issue has something to do with the fade event not being on the camera directly. Work around is to create a FSM on the main camera to fade in when the scene starts, have a bool that gets turned to true when the scene ends. Then the FSM on the camera fades out.

Example FSM on the main player camera

Unity/Playmaker create 1 second loop

The following picture shows the basics for create a loop that runs every second. You’ll need to create a float variable (Named oneSecond in the screen shot) that has a value of 1 for one second. Changed if desired.

Put your actions in the “Execute every 1 Second” state

For more info on Get Time Info, visit