How to install Armory Wallet on Fedora? – Notes

At the moment it does not look easily possible to install Armory Wallet on Fedora. Here are some notes about trying to get it to work.

The following person on Reddit was able to get it working on an older version of Fedora.

[Tutorial] Install Armory Wallet 0.96.4 on Fedora Workstation 29
byu/AmbitiousSpeed0 inBitcoin

The issue is that pyqt4 and pyqt4-devel are not available on the latest versions of Fedora.

The following prerequisites need to be installed

sudo dnf install git nano qt qt-devel python-devel libtool lmdb swig python-psutil

Other notes.

Armory relies on Bitcoin Core. You can install BitCoin core from It will need to be fully synced which can take a long time “as in days/weeks”. Note that Armory will not work if you have the blockchain pruned. Which means you’ll need about 500GB of space for the BitCoin blockchain.

Radeon RX 5700 – Hashrate and Power Consumption

These are the average RX 5700 hashrates I have been getting while mining Ethereum.

RX 5700 brand MSI


Cost New (NewEgg)
October 2020: ~$500
February 2021: Unavailable. XT version is out of stock, but $900 – $1200

Cost Used (eBay)
February 2021: $650 – $750

Status: Unavailable… Pretty much everywhere…

Hasrate and Power Consumption

Ethereum Ethash Hashrate
Unmodded: 50/Mhs
Modded: 53/Mhs

Power Consumption
Range: 106 – 130 W
Average = ~127 W

Core: 1300
Mem : 875

Average Mhs Per Watt : 0.041/Mhs
Average Watts Per Mhs: 2.4 W

Profitability is about $7/day as of February 9, 2021

More information can be found at the following link.

I am planning on attaching the vbios for MSI MECH RX 5700 that “makes” it a 5700 XT and increases the hashrate to 53.

Nanominer – Lower intensity for GPU

By default Nanominer sets the memTweak option to 1. This slightly improves memory timings. However it introduces a little bit of UI lag. This can be a problem if you are trying to use your computer for other tasks. The simple resolution is to change/add the memTweak setting to 0.


Example config

; Coin to mine.
coin = ETH
; (Optional) Rig (worker) name.
rigName = EthMiner

Install Ravencoin Wallet on Fedora

These instructions are for installing the Ravencoin wallet on Fedeora, but the instructions should work for CentOS, and be similar for Debian/Ubuntu Distros.

The Linux readme can be found here.

Install dependencies

sudo dnf -y install zeromq libevent boost libdb4 miniupnpc libdb4-cxx protobuf-lite-devel

Download the binaries.  Manually here or with wget.  Latest files should be on their github


Note if you don’t have wget installed, you can install it by running

sudo dnf install -y wget

Unzip the downloaded files

tar zxvf fedora27-x86_64.tar.gz

Change to the new directory

cd fedora

Launch the Raven Wallet GUI
