Ubuntu apt-get install, error with org.freedesktop.systemd1.service

Had an issue trying to recover from a failed upgrade.  Apt would complain about dependencies, suggested running apt-get install -f.

Running apt-get install -f would still fail.  It showed a conflict with the systemd1.service, ended up renaming the file with the following command

sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/system-service/org.freedesktop.systemd1.service{,bak}

and reran

sudo apt-get install -f

after that I was able to rerun the upgrade and finish

sudo apt-get upgrade

Connect to WiFi network via command line

Easiest way is to use the Network Manager nmtui tool


It gives you a “command line GUI” to search and select your preferred WiFi network.

Alternate way is to use the iw tools.

Scan for available WiFi networks

iwlist scan

Connect with iwconfig, replace WiFiName with your WiFi name.  Note this only works with open networks.

iwconfig wlan0 essid WiFiName

You’ll need to get an address now, so run


Check if your DNS is working.  If not, as a “hack” manually add it to /etc/resolv.conf and restart the networking service.

sudo echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
sudo service networking restart

Your not supposed to manually put the nameservers in resolv.conf.  But it works in a pinch.

Upgrade Firmware on Ubiquiti Airmax Equipment from the Command Line/SSH

Upgrading the firmware via the command line is super easy.  Basic steps are

  1. Upload firmware file to radio using ftp, scp, or download directly to radio using wget
  2. Move the firmware the /tmp and rename to fwupdate.bin
  3. Upgrade the firmware by running
ubntbox fwupdate.real -m fwupdate.bin

More Detail explanation

Downloading Firmware to Radio

There are a couple of ways to get the firmware uploaded to the radio

  1. Download from Ubiquiti’s website and upload via ftp, scp, filezilla or like
  2. Download directly to the radio using wget

Using wget

ssh into the radio.  Change username and ip address as needed.

ssh ubnt@

cd to the /tmp directory

cd /tmp

Find the firmware file on Ubiquiti’s website, accept the terms, copy the link and paste the link in the terminal after wget.  Replace the below link with the appropriate firmware link.

wget https://dl.ubnt.com/firmwares/XC-fw/v8.4.2/WA.v8.4.2.35930.171017.1722.bin

Installing Firmware

Rename firmware

mv *.bin fwupdate.bin

Start the upgrade

ubntbox fwupdate.real -m fwupdate.bin

The radio will now upgrade and reboot

Another Method.  Using the ubntmod.sh script

Another way to upgrade a radios firmware from the command line is to use the UBNTMOD tool.  More info on the UBNTMOD script is available here.

Make sure you have the firmware downloaded to your computer and run ubntmod.sh with the “-U” upgrade option.


bob@localhost:~$ ./ubntmod.sh -i -U WA.v8.4.2.35930.171017.1722.bin