How to sum a total from a date Range – LibreCalc

Overview adding up all the items for the specified dates

You can use SUMIFS to check if a date is between two other dates and sum if it is.

The formula is as follows


RangeToAdd = Range to add, or amount of items to count up
DateRange = Date field to compare against start date
StartDate = Should be the start of the month (Can change to whatever date you need)
SecondDateRange = Same as DateRange, this is used to compare against the EndDate
EndDate = End of month date (Can change to whatever date you need)

The approx exact formula is.

Overview adding up all the items for the specified dates with formula

More info

LibreOffice Calc – Turn page breaks on and off

Turning the Page break option on in LibreOffice Calc will show a dotted line in your Calc spreadsheet to show you if you printed it out where the boundaries would be.

Example showing page breaks in LibeOffice Calc. The dotted lines are the page outline

You can turn this behavior on or off by going to
Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice Calc -> View -> Visual Aids -> Page breaks
And turning the check box on or off

Example of Page breaks being on.