How To remove a ZenPack from Zenoss 5

To remove a ZenPack on Zenoss 5.1 and later, you are going to need to stop the zenoss services, restart a couple services that are needed to install the ZenPack, install the ZenPack, and then restart the Zenoss service.

Stop Zenoss.Core

serviced service stop Zenoss.Core

Make sure the service is stopped by running the following command.  When it reports back the Zenoss is Stopped, then continue.

 if ( serviced service status Zenoss.Core | awk '{print $3}' | grep -q Stopped) ; then echo "Zenoss is not running!" ; else echo "Zenoss is not Stopped!" ; fi

Or you can run this command, just make sure it says it is stopped.

serviced service status zenoss.core

Create a Snapshot

serviced service snapshot Zenoss.core

Start the following three services

serviced service start Infrastructure

serviced service start Infrastructure
serviced service start zeneventserver
serviced service start Zope

List the ZenPacks that are currently installed.

serviced service run zope zenpack list

Remove the ZenPack.  Replace “ZenPack.comunity.Zenpack” with the zenpack name from the previous command.

serviced service run zope zenpack-manager uninstall

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