Mikrotik Script – Send Webhook when Power Fails on PSU

The goal for this script is to alert us if a remote site looses power. We can do this using a Mikrotik that has two PSUs. One is plugged into battery backup and the other in the non battery plug.

In this example, we are using PSU2 “number 8” We can find the number using


We can now create a new scheduler entry with the following. Change out the number 8 to your PSU number, and change the webhook to your Teams webhook.

:local curState [system/health/get value-name=value  number=8]
:local name [/system/identity/get value-name=name]
:local webhook "https://teams.webhook.microsoft.com/webhook/more"

if ($curState != $lastState) do={
if ($curState = "ok") do={
/tool fetch http-method=post http-header-field="Content-Type: application/json" http-data="{\"text\": \"$name : Power is on.\"}" url="$webhook"
if ($curState != "ok") do={
/tool fetch http-method=post http-header-field="Content-Type: application/json" http-data="{\"text\": \"$name : Power is off.  On battery backup\"}" url="$webhook"
:global lastState $curState

Set to the appropriate interval (i.e. 5 minutes). The script will only alert once when the power state changes. This minimizes receiving an alert every 5 minutes while the power is off.

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