Add Custom OID to device in LibreNMS

In the post, we’ll be adding a custom OID for a Ubiquiti Solar Charge Controller.

  • Find the device OID
  • Add the Custom OID in LibreNMS
  • Check the graph

Find the custom OID

Check out the following post if you are trying to add a Ubiquiti Solar Charge controller graph to LibreNMS. Otherwise you may need to do some googling around looking for the OID.

Add Custom OID in LibreNMS

Go to your device -> Settings(Little Gear) -> Custom OID -> +Add New OID

Adding Custom OID in LibreNMS for Ubiquiti UI Charge Controller

Couple notes about the information.
– There needs to be a 0 after the end of the OID.
– Data Type needs to be Gauge, Not Counter. A gauge can go up and down. A counter just counts up.

Hit “Test OID” and you should get a little notification saying it got a value for the OID. In this case 25572.

Test Custom OID in LibreNMS for Ubiquiti UI Charge Controller

Now Hit “Save OID”

Check the Graph

Now LibreNMS should start graphing our Custom OID. You may need to give it a minute to start showing data.

The graphs show up under Graphs -> Custom OID

Where are Custom OID Graphs?
LibreNMS Custom OID Graph

OIDs for UI / Ubiquiti Solar Charge Controller

Here is a list of OIDs for Ubiquiti’s solar charge controller. You can download the

Top interesting ones are

  • Battery Voltage
  • Panel Voltage
snmptranslate -Pu -Tz -m ./UBNT-MIB:./UBNT-SUNMAX-MIB
"org"                   "1.3"
"dod"                   "1.3.6"
"internet"                      ""
"directory"                     ""
"mgmt"                  ""
"mib-2"                 ""
"transmission"                  ""
"experimental"                  ""
"private"                       ""
"enterprises"                   ""
"ubnt"                  ""
"ubntMIB"                       ""
"ubntORTable"                   ""
"ubntOREntry"                   ""
"ubntORIndex"                   ""
"ubntORID"                      ""
"ubntORDescr"                   ""
"ubntSnmpInfo"                  ""
"ubntSnmpGroups"                        ""
"ubntORInfoGroup"                       ""
"ubntORCompliance"                      ""
"ubntAirosGroups"                       ""
"ubntAirFiberGroups"                    ""
"ubntEdgeMaxGroups"                     ""
"ubntUniFiGroups"                       ""
"ubntAirVisionGroups"                   ""
"ubntMFiGroups"                 ""
"ubntUniTelGroups"                      ""
"ubntAFLTUGroups"                       ""
"ubntSunMaxGroups"                      ""
"sunMaxCompliances"                     ""
"sunMaxGroups"                  ""
"ubntAirFIBER"                  ""
"ubntEdgeMax"                   ""
"ubntUniFi"                     ""
"ubntAirVision"                 ""
"ubntMFi"                       ""
"ubntUniTel"                    ""
"ubntAFLTU"                     ""
"ubntSunMax"                    ""
"sunMaxMIB"                     ""
"sunMaxBatteryStats"                    ""
"sunMaxBatCurrent"                      ""
"sunMaxBatVoltage"                      ""
"sunMaxBatPower"                        ""
"sunMaxBatTemp"                 ""
"sunMaxPvPanelStats"                    ""
"sunMaxPVCurrent"                       ""
"sunMaxPVVoltage"                       ""
"sunMaxPVPower"                 ""
"sunMaxOutPutStats"                     ""
"sunMaxOutCurrent"                      ""
"sunMaxOutVoltage"                      ""
"sunMaxOutPower"                        ""
"security"                      ""
"snmpV2"                        ""
"snmpDomains"                   ""
"snmpProxys"                    ""
"snmpModules"                   ""
"zeroDotZero"                   "0.0"

Get battery voltage

We can get the battery voltage from the controller with the following SNMP walk command. Change the community “ubnt” to your SNMP community.

snmpwalk -c ubnt -v2c

Return value is

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.41112. = INTEGER: 24990

You may need to add a zero if you are trying to add the OID in LibreNMS for a custom OID.

Basic snmpwalk Commands

A snmpwalk basically allows you to walk out all the SNMP OIDs for a device.  The following command shows all SNMP data that can be acquired on “localhost”.  You can change “localhost” to an ip address or hostname if you want to view SNMP data on a remote machine.

snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost

The above command starts an snmpwalk against “localhost”, using SNMP version “2c”, and the community string “public”.  You should change the SNMP version and community string to what ever you have setup on your network.

If you just want to view one OID then you can just append that OID to the end of the above command.

snmpwalk -v 2c -c public 1.2.840.10036.